Aliens & Abductions

Pictures of abduction experiences and alien encounters. The drawings are from our forum members, who also comment on their stories in the subtitles.

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Aliens & Entführungen

An Accidental Astral Visitation – Room With Blue Sphere

Bild 27 von 28

dani88 was lying in bed, concentrating on the Greys, and after a while felt the familiar sensation of vibrations that initiate the out-of-body state. She saw a blue sphere in front of her and when the image stabilized, she found herself in a dark room. The sphere, about the size of a globe, floated in space and dani felt drawn to it - she felt a strange connection, as if the sphere was animate. dani suspected that it could be used as a kind of communication medium.

Some of the images are presented in a video with music by John Akhen:

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